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3 Ways to Handle Custody During the Holidays

sad parents with kids

The holidays are a time to come together and celebrate with loved ones. Oftentimes, this can be nearly impossible for families of divorce. If you find that you are struggling to co-parent with your ex this holiday season, check out these tips below.

Review Your Custody Agreement

Now is a good time to go through your child custody arrangement and check to make sure that you know exactly what dates your child is supposed to spend with you and when they will be with their other parent. Any plans that you make should be during your time. It’s not fair to your kids or their other parent if you try to take away time that isn’t yours. You’d expect the same from your ex, so be mindful of their time as well.

Focus on Your Kids

During the holidays especially, children and parents alike can struggle to find cheer in the world. However, it’s up to you, as the parent, to set a good example. Don’t engage in fighting with your ex-spouse over custody issues. Instead, communicate with each other and create a plan that ensures your child has the best holiday experience possible. Remember, your kids don’t have any control over their situation -- you and their other parent do. Keep their happiness in mind as you emphasize quality time.

Create New Traditions

Holiday traditions are essential in helping to build strong family bonds. They bring families together and provide a sense of belonging. Sadly, when parents split, some of those traditions might not make sense anymore. This makes it the perfect time to start new traditions with your little ones. Not only will these traditions build and foster your relationship with each other, but it will give your kids something to look forward to.

Contact Our San Diego Divorce Attorneys Today

If you have questions or concerns about child custody or divorce, please do not hesitate to contact our office. At Embry Family Law P.C., we offer creative solutions to your family’s problems. Our team is always ready to provide you with sound guidance and skilled counsel in order to help you make the best decision for you and your family.

If you need more advice on navigating child custody issues during the holidays, call our San Diego child custody lawyers at (619) 485-6476 today.

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